Instant Cash Advance
Do you need a quick fix to pay school fees, clear medical bills, pay house rent? Make use of our interest free Cash Advance solution and pay back within 30 days
Some of the benefits
Best terms
Interest free Up to Ugx50Mn
Instant access
24/7 access to funds on online and mobile banking
Flexible repayment date to suit your cash flows within 30days
What you get
- 0% interest rate on your loan.
- 24/7 access to funds via mobile banking and internet banking.
- Flexible repayment date to suit your cash flows.
- Loans amounts of up to Ugx50Mn
- Amounts above Ugx5Mn to be accessed at the nearest branch in less than 2hours.
What it costs
Bank processing fees:
- 7% processing fees of the loan amount for amounts up to Ugx5Mn
What you need
- Must have/ open an account with Stanbic bank.
- Must receive regular deposits on the account.
- You should earn a minimum net monthly income of Ugx 280,000.
How to get it
On Mobile banking;
- Dial *290#
- Select option (8) Loan offer
- Select Instant cash advance
- Follow the prompts to access the funds instantly
On Online banking:
- Log in to your online banking
- Click on loan offer prompt on your dashboard
- Follow prompts to access the funds instantly
Amounts above Ugx2Mn to be accessed at the nearest branch in less than 2hours.
Alternatively, you can download Application form , fill it and submit it to your nearest branch
What you get
What it costs
What you need
How to get it
- 0% interest rate on your loan.
- 24/7 access to funds via mobile banking and internet banking.
- Flexible repayment date to suit your cash flows.
- Loans amounts of up to Ugx50Mn
- Amounts above Ugx5Mn to be accessed at the nearest branch in less than 2hours.
Bank processing fees:
- 7% processing fees of the loan amount for amounts up to Ugx5Mn
- Must have/ open an account with Stanbic bank.
- Must receive regular deposits on the account.
- You should earn a minimum net monthly income of Ugx 280,000.
On Mobile banking;
- Dial *290#
- Select option (8) Loan offer
- Select Instant cash advance
- Follow the prompts to access the funds instantly
On Online banking:
- Log in to your online banking
- Click on loan offer prompt on your dashboard
- Follow prompts to access the funds instantly
Amounts above Ugx2Mn to be accessed at the nearest branch in less than 2hours.
Alternatively, you can download Application form , fill it and submit it to your nearest branch
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